Administration Department

The department is comprise of Registry Session, Transport and Interns Administration. It has 18 employees and out of them, three are Human Resource Officers and one Transport Officer. The department is responsible for interpret and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and Other Labour Laws, Facilitating employees relations and welfare including health and safety, sports and culture, Provide registry, messengerical and courier services and manage office records, Facilitate provision of security services, transport and general utilities. It also coordinate implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including prevention of corruption practices. It ensures effective implementation of diversity issues including Gender, Disability, HIV/AIDS and be the office’s Gender Focus Point
The Department also coordinates the rotations of interns in the Hospital from the period they are posted to the Hospital by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare until they complete their one year training and get certified as Medical Practitioners.
The Department also coordinates Staff loan arrangements with various financial institutions
Furthermore, the department is responsible for establishing and maintaining harmonious labour relations conducive for effective and efficient organizational performance between the Management on the one hand and employees on the other.
- Interprets and ensure adherence to Public Service Regulations, Standing Orders and the provisions of other laws governing labour relations and labour agreements; Designs and coordinates the labour relations policy of the Hospital;
- Advises Management and employees on the laws governing labour relations and labour agreements;
- Trains managers and employees on the laws governing labour relations and labour agreements;
- Handles employees’ grievances and coordinates the resolution of labour disputes and conflicts
- Administers staff discipline in the Hospital;
- Coordinates collective bargaining between the Management of the Hospital and employees; and
- Coordinates the cooperation and interaction between the Management and employees through their union, TUGHE.