Muhimbili National Hospital – Mloganzila

Clinical Audit and Quality Assurance Unit (CAQAU)


Clinical Audit and Quality Assurance Unit (CAQAU), Is a Unit under the Executive Director, activities that aims to improve the quality of patient care by preventing errors and ensuring that healthcare services meet or exceed predetermined quality standards. CAQAU supports the development of Quality policies and procedures, conducts regular audits and reviews, does staff training and development on Quality issues, and is in control of ongoing monitoring and evaluation of QI improvement, aiming to be an Internationally accredited Hospital.

Currently, it is working in corroboration with the Clinical Audit and Quality Assurance Unit at MNH-Upanga to strengthen all QI activities within the Hospital. The Unit has Dedicated Multiprofessional staff who work collaboratively with all other staff and leaders from different Directorates and Units to promote quality improvements at MNH-Mloganzila by using working improvement teams (WITs).


Staffing at Department of Quality Assurance

Dedicated and mixed skilled Quality improvement team and WITs is essential for hospital quality improvement


Quality Assurance Unit supports the hospital’s mission of “providing effective, efficient and high-quality tertiary specialist and highly specialized medical services for referred patients from all over Tanzania, as well as providing conducive environment for training and research”. All this is delivered in an environment where quality, integrity, respect, safety, and security is the core of our practice.


To be a leader in delivering exceptional patients’ care through a commitment to safety, innovation and continuous improvement, encouraging a culture where Quality is at the Heart of all clinical and non-clinical staff on their daily practices.

Quality improvement Values

We care for sickness and your Emotional Part Through safe and comfortable environment

Quality improvement Values

We care for sickness and emotional part through safe and comfortable environment

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